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Margaret McEvoy’s Occupational Therapy Approach



Margaret McEvoy, Occupational Therapist
Specialising in Adult and Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Margaret McEvoy and her team of experienced and highly skilled Occupational Therapists are based in

Northern Ireland.  We have been providing expert witness reports and case management services for children

and adults since 2015 for both plaintiff and defendant solicitors and insurance companies throughout the UK

and Ireland.  


We are cognisant of our duty to the court when undertaking expert witness assessments and reports, and we

have a robust quality assurance system in place to ensure our reports are of a high standard and reflect the needs

of the client.  We also observe the Royal College of Occupational Therapists guide ‘Acting as an expert witness’,

and our professional code of ethics and professional conduct.


As Occupational Therapists, we understand the impact of injury, illness and disability on the individual’s ability to

perform their everyday activities, and we aim to ensure the client’s functional independence is restored as much

as possible.


We have extensive knowledge of assistive equipment that will enhance independence and comfort in daily



We are experts on housing, and we make recommendations for housing adaptations based on the individual’s



We provide expert opinion and costs on additional care requirements for individuals following injury and into the

future, if appropriate.


We provide expert opinion on the individual’s fitness for any work following the administration of  a series of robust

and norm-referenced assessments, in addition to our own observations on their performance during testing. 


Margaret also co-manages Occupational Therapy Northern Ireland (OTNI), a company that provides Occupational

Therapy services for adults and children in the private sector.

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Get in Touch with our specialised Team

 Contact our team today to arrange a consultation

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